Welcomed, I'm honored.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page, I am very happy and honored by your presence. Here I create various post that I expect to be of use to you personally to give you information and resources needed to promote your being to the maximum amount of success possible. I care deeply for you and want to ensure that you live the best life possible because nobody deserves half hardships I've had, and certainly no more than me.

With all due respect lets please continue and I'll be happy to read anything you have to say in responce to any of my posts or any specific questions you might have.

So please spare a moment of your time with an open mind and learn from what I have to say, tell me what you have to say in responce, and I will learn greatly from you.

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As the author of the blog Remrie Arrie I give you have the rights to freedom of speech and the right to distribute any information from anything on this blog as freely as you wish as long as you mention my name as the source.

I believe in two things
1. The free trade of information and resources in a free capitolistic market and society.

2. Giving credit and appreciation to the people who deserve it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Response to - I am Human

My response to a thread called "I am Human" at this location:

The main post there details the frustrations of a single individual and his cry for a perfect or even moderatly better world. But he feels history just repeats itself, that nobody gives meaning to something meaningful, that we are lead by hopeless sinful desires that are thought as the root of all evil, and more.

My response below

Everyone, please drop the argument humans are imperfect, we're no more imperfect than we are perfect, as human beings we have what is known as infinite human potential to achieve and do anything under any circumstances. In our entire evolution nobody has ever drawn a line in the sand saying "This is the limit of human potential!" anyone stupid enough to do so has seen it stepped over by countless people, blown in the winds, and washed away in the tide.

Life repeats itself because of the 'Circle of Life' ever heard of it? It is what makes life go round and round and round and round for good or bad like a wheel it spins, and thus rolls us forward in time. It's not a CD, record, or merry-go-round where we're always destined to end up back where we were. We have never experienced the same exact moment in time twice, not even on a merry go round, it just looks the same. If it was the same nobody would age, it moves forward.

Just as there is one large circle of life, there is a smaller independent circle that is us, and that circle of us, me, is what guides my life in the direction it goes. If you let gravity and chance do its thing you're not going to like where you'll end up, you have to control that circle of your life.

There is a known fundamental process, one of a few others that directs this circle on a individual level.

Thoughts --> Actions --> Habits --> Your Reality --> Thoughts --> Actions --> Habits --> Your Reality --> (and so on)

Your thoughts create your actions which form your habit that produces the reality you live. It's a process, one that is a fundamental foundation of our life no matter who we are or what we want this aspect of our life determines if we are happy or sad, content or unfulfilled, rich or poor, in my case this is what determines if I'm male or female. You are given a default circle but most people don't realize they have it so they just 'drift through life' letting things happen. They call
it 'destiny' they call it 'chance' they say 'whatever happens, happens'.

A lot of people also call it 'Luck', but it has been known by the most successful people in the world that we create our own luck, it doesn't just happen, there is such thing as randomized luck with numbers, lotteries, and the luck of the draw. But the luck of having good things happen in your life that are positive are completely within your power to bend in your favor. For instance if you want 1 million dollars, you increase your luck of obtaining a million dollars by having lots of millionaire friends, doing what they do, seeing things the way they see things, and responding to your environment as such. Even if they don't give you a million dollars, you will likely find yourself very successful doing something that nets you one million dollars.

Or on the flip side you can hang out with fat people who do nothing but eat and watch TV and they will do nothing but tell you to sit down and eat pie. If you can't see your 'destiny' by looking at that fat person on the couch eating pie then you won't have the power to change your 'destiny' to prevent it by saying 'no... this is unacceptable for my standards.'

Thoughts --> Actions --> Habits --> Your Reality --> Thoughts --> Actions --> Habits --> Your Reality --> (and so on)

1. Thoughts
You need to remove negative programming of your brain if you're to move the cycle of your life. That means all of the media influences that don't talk about things you believe in, songs that have lyrics that are not in line with how want to look at life, people who put you down, who use guilt to keep you mediocre so they can feel better about themselves and not be alone in their mediocrity, friends who impose bad choices upon your life. By doing this you are making a core change in your thought processes by taking action to build a new habit of approaching life in a different way.

Sometimes the best roads to drive on and avoid crashes are back country roads with no billboards with the radio off to rid yourself of all distractions, and give rides only to people who want to do the same thing riding in the car with you.

2. Actions
By changing your thoughts you increase the probability of changing your actions. By taking consistent actions no matter how small the steps are you are actively changing your habits to make your new activities in life as automatic as breathing and going to the bathroom; it just happens you don't even need to think about it. By doing this you create a system that isn't dependent upon will power alone. Determination, desperation, and will power is only a catalyst to spark change, not to fuel it forever for all eternity.

3. Habits
By picking and choosing specific habits that are in favor of how you want to you are creating a sustainable system for which future behaviors can be built off of. And by making behaviors habitual, you remove the need for secondary forms of power through external motivation like you do for homework, cleaning up, chores, etc. These habits for all intensive purposes make life happen, and it makes it happen with ease. But you might need to make 3 habitual changes before you can change one big thing about your life. Say I wanted to live in a clean my apartment. Rather than make efforts to create a habit of cleaning my apartment, I would make several much smaller habits that would prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. Such as instead of cleaning all the dishes, I'd make a habit of cleaning every dish when I finish eating, this would prevent it from piling up all together. Rather than create a habit of picking up my clothes, I would make the habit of puting them in the hamper before they ever touch the floor.

It's the same thing with life on a individual level, and on a macro level, there has to be various smaller habits that prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. In your case, instead of a habit of planting trees, it would be to build a habit of not consuming trees (wood, furniture, firewood, paper, recycling any paper product you can, etc.)

4. Your Reality
Your physical realty, your environment, and everything you are subject to is what your mind consciously takes in and both subconsciously and consciously process and respond to. Our physical bodies, not as a human being but as a living organism is designed to take in information and process it, and respond to it. When that information is not in line with your fundamental needs in life you will not be living in homeostasis, a balanced meaningful life. The people that live the life we dream of create the reality for themselves where they have to choose how they are going to respond to all the great things in life. Most other people because they fill their life with bad things, emotions, thoughts, circumstances, etc. most other people have to to choose how they are going to respond to all the bad things in life.

Which would you rather HAVE respond to?
All the great things in life.
All the Bad things in life.

How your respond to those things in your life determines your thought process on how you will go about solving that challenge, and what you will do to reinforce its existence whether that existence is desired or undesired. Because no matter what we tend to always want more, if we don't want something more then we want something different.

Change your Thoughts
Change your Actions
Change your Habits
And your life will be changed forever.

There is a quote that goes as such: "Take care of today and the month will take care of itself." Take care of right now, this moment, and always take care of this moment in the here and now and you will never have to worry about what is going to happen in the future because you will know you have either already done it, or you are working on it this very second. Start on this day, with this very thought, take the action to make a habit of dealing with the most immediate thoughts that go into your mind, and the next 5, 15, 50 years from now will already be taken care of. You may not be there yet, but it's already guaranteed.

On a personal opinion level
I'd say throw out your TV, or stop watching anything but cartoons and comedy central at best and stick to specific movies that suit your interests as a weekend thing. If you can live without a lot of videogames do so, they occupy your time which could be spent taking action or learning something more important, or even teaching others. I gave up videogames, threw out my TV, and only have my computer and internet so I can write these huge posts to random people and possibly spark such changes in other people's lives, as well as provide them the resources to do so, all the while developing my future self by taking care of the here and now.

I had to take every extreme in the book in order get my individual circle of life pointed in the direction I wanted. It took nearly 2 years and I'm still directing it. I've personally had to run away from home to remove myself of all my negative peers, throw out the TV and videogames, I even needed to physically change genders to become female, surround myself with new positive supportive peers who also can educate me, 2 of them are life coaches I'm friends with. I've personally changed my entire choice of music, while I still listen to the older negative songs for entertainment factors, I never listen to them to reinforce how I feel. To do so for me is to willingly jump into quick sand.

From there you have to pick and choose the news that goes into your head. I like Current TV or www.Current.com because it's like YouTube of journalism and some of the stories there are incredibly awesome if you know where to look. By reinforcing good news in your life you are reinforcing that the world is in fact a good place with good people.

To build upon this I also make a conscious effort not to lock anything of mine. My car and apartment are always unlocked at all times unless I'm gone for several days. After 2 years in LA, in a area with gangs, drugs, bad neighbors, dumpster divers, etc I have never been robbed, I have never been assaulted, my truck has never been stolen and I have left my keys in the ignition sometimes on purpose for days on end, even with windows rolled down. I don't see locking doors as keeping people from harming me, I see it as excluding people from my life, that I am not willing to accept anybody for who they are that steps through those doors. Because I also know consequently the people who are most likely to steel from you are those you invite into your home.

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