Welcomed, I'm honored.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this page, I am very happy and honored by your presence. Here I create various post that I expect to be of use to you personally to give you information and resources needed to promote your being to the maximum amount of success possible. I care deeply for you and want to ensure that you live the best life possible because nobody deserves half hardships I've had, and certainly no more than me.

With all due respect lets please continue and I'll be happy to read anything you have to say in responce to any of my posts or any specific questions you might have.

So please spare a moment of your time with an open mind and learn from what I have to say, tell me what you have to say in responce, and I will learn greatly from you.

Your Rights

As the author of the blog Remrie Arrie I give you have the rights to freedom of speech and the right to distribute any information from anything on this blog as freely as you wish as long as you mention my name as the source.

I believe in two things
1. The free trade of information and resources in a free capitolistic market and society.

2. Giving credit and appreciation to the people who deserve it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

About the Success Folder

About The Success Folder
~ Remrie Arrie
To learn how to use the Success Folder please visit the link below
The folder itself can be found here
Rule Number 1 – Whether you spend thousands of dollars on this stuff or get it for free no resource in the Success Folder can help you with anything in your life unless you possess a red hot core of driven passion to make change happen.

If there is any ethics/moral based reason for me being punished for providing this stuff for free to you it’s the fact that paying thousands of dollars for these programs is your own insurance policy because you’re backing your words and integrity with your wallet. But if you’re like me with more integrity than money you’ll be hard pressed to find reliable support amidst the fragmented information scattered around the internet.

Unfortunately for those people money only holds as much worth as it means to you, for me I’d throw a trillion dollars just to pay a hooker to spend 30 minutes cuddling, it has no worth to me, it’s the worst gift anyone could ever receive and it holds no more mental worth than numbers. Because of that, paying thousands of dollars for programs like Rich Dad’s Coaching although is a wonderful experience, does not ensure my success. Should I ever fail at anything for any reason, lack of money will not be cause of my failure, should I ever succeed at anything for any reason, excess amounts of money will not be the cause of my success. The future cannot be bought, all the richest men and women ever have all died, and all those of great fortune to come so too will die.

That is why there is much more to all this than financial development, the abundance of money, it’s about the abundance of appreciation, abundance of gratitude, abundance of giving credit where credit is due, abundance of honesty, abundance of integrity, abundance of control, abundance of power, ambition, potential, giving, forgiveness, respect, love, good habits, health, clarity, guidance, and more.

But I will tell you this…

You will only get out of it what you put into it, put nothing into it, get nothing out of it, be half assed about it you’ll only get half an ass, and if you go as far as me to spend every waking moment of your free time for over a year dedicated to ensuring your future for a positive change for which you have 100% control over it your returns from this content will prove to be an infinitely renewable valuable asset for which anything can happen in the universe. If you put more work into this stuff than me your potential benefit is immeasurable.

But here’s the catch…
You must apply everything you learn the moment you learn it!
Without exception!!!

The moment you learn anything of benefit to you that you want to have changed in your life you must start immediately without hesitation to cause that change to happen, you start by writing it down, and make a note to do it at every chance as often as possible every single day. By doing this you will create a habit that will ensure it’s continued positive influence upon your life. Don’t just listen to an hour long audio track and pick out notes passively. Stop everything at every valuable information and spend as much time as you can thinking about it, applying it, writing it out, and repeating it in your head, and above all teach it to others before moving on.
In the Success Folder you will find the likes of
š Robert Kiyosaki
š Bob Proctor
š Zig Ziglar
š Jack Canfield
š Steven Covey
š Steve Chandler
š Dan Kennedy
š Anthony Tony Robbins
š Dale Carnegie
š Napoleon Hill
And many more individuals including myself, and of course in providing all these resources it would be unjust if I charged you for my content so it is with pleasure that I provide my services for you for free as well. I benefit in doing this in far more ways than money could ever compensate for; even if nobody ever reads anything or download a single file at all.

I do not provide any of this information for any of the fallowing reasons
“Getting back at ‘the system’”
“Sticking it to the rich man”
“Steal from the rich give to the poor”
“Be as charitable of a person I can be”
“I support total anarchy”
“I hate capitalism and everything should be free”
“Revenge for _________ reason”

I provide this information to promote positive, individual, personal growth and development in every area of life needed to lead a ‘successful’, ‘meaningful’, and ‘wealthy’ life.

While I do believe in free trade of information and resources between the public in a free market, especially with the advent of the internet and with it companies losing much of their legal grip on securing and controlling the transfer and distribution of their products and information in order to secure profits. I feel it is only appropriate to do so when such an action inhibits and restricts the progress of education and developmental needs, both in school and out of it. There is certainly a difference between distributing 100GB of music and movies, it’s totally different when its practical useful as an educational tool for real life challenges and issues.

I only request of 2 things from you
1. Don’t hope, pray, wish, or wait for change to happen. Expect, force, know, guarantee and will it into existence no matter what it takes. You must work to make change happen, but work -efficiently- start by building habits that sustain your progress.


2. Read my file ‘What I Ask of You’ you can find it on the Success Folder’s main page and/or in the file ‘Remrie Arrie’.

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