Remrie Arrie – Success Newsletter – Date: 1/14/09
All designs © by Remrie Arrie
Good day everyone, this is to be the first of what I hope to be a fairly regular newsletter to add to my collection of Success materials from the likes of Napoleon Hill, Anthony Tony Robins, Jack Canfield, Zig Ziglar, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, and countless others.
I would like to remind you that I provide these resources so that you can have a better chance to succeed in life. How, when, and where you succeed are entirely up to you, but I’m fulfilling my moral obligation to contribute to your success in the best way I can. I hold myself to that standard, and I hope you do too; not because it’s the right or wrong thing to do, but instead because success requires the act of helping others and yourself without greed through harm.
I say without greed through harm because greed alone is not a sin, without greed we would have no desire to do anything for ourselves. The act of being thirsty and taking a drink, being hungry and consuming food is an act of greed, it’s natural, it promotes living, without it you would starve; on other levels that thirst and hunger are for love, money, admiration, appreciation, and more. And you can have it all; anything and everything in the universe can be yours. But instead of putting a gun to everyone’s head and demanding $100, you can just as easily and legally promote the growth of another person by helping set up a lemonade stand or any other venture of theirs, and take $100 in your fair share of profits. You get your $100, they stay alive and make more money, and you made a business partner, and the state spends the money that would be used to put you in jail and spends it on schools when your business partner (who you would have gunned down) starts up a law firm to prevent wasted spending and put it in schools and you back him up as a partner and the students who graduate who are now smart work for you and make you even more money. You see the rotation of benefit right?
If you don’t help people with honesty and integrity you can never succeed – You get what you give in this universe, conversely though if you only do good deeds expecting immediate rewards in return you will not get it. You can kiss an ass all you want but eventually yours will be kicked. But if you help a person friend or stranger who fell down on their ass with all your caring heart, they will make sure you never fall down on yours.
Subject: Waiting
Time… It’s one of the biggest influences of our lives if not the biggest. Some people will complain they have too much time on their hands, more will complain they don’t have enough time; or too little control of that time. But the fact of the matter is, we all have been given the exact same amount of time as everyone else every single day; what we do with that time is up to us. We may not all live to be 100, 80, 60, or 40, maybe not even 20
Maybe it’s a good thing that we don’t know how much time we have, maybe it’s not, but what we do know is that time cannot be reversed no matter how much we want it to, no matter how much we whine, complain, or hate our realities. The fact of the matter is there is only today, and it’s today we choose what to do with our time, to choose to take control or not.
"I have never seen a tomorrow, all I have are todays" ~ Rich Dad
Benjamin Button
I recently saw a movie that came out Xmas Day called The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Have you heard of it? It’s a story written back in the 1920’s by a man named F Scott Fitzgerald that has recently been turned into a lengthy 2 hour and 45 minute long movie about a child born as an old man who lives his life growing young while everyone around him grows old. Now I like to think of myself as an avid movie viewer and critic on a personal level that does their best to give an un-biased and/or personal opinion of a movie. I go to the movies nearly every weekend since I was 11, and in that time I’ve seen a lot of movies come and go a lot of good ones and a lot of bad ones. But this one took over the rank as my new personal favorite and has added itself to my list of 5 (now 6) favorite movies
I highly recommend it (and the movie The Time Machine) as both a great movie to watch as well as a lesson on the points made here in this newsletter.
In the retirement home spanning the time frame of pre and post WWII many people come and go, many stories come to an end at this place. Stories of successful people, of rogue nomads, kind people, and just plain unlucky people; or lucky people depending on how you look at it when a person survives being struck by lightning 7 different times. You hear their stories, see their fates, what they’re proud of, and their regrets as time eventually gets the better of them. One person in particular named Daisy, a successful accomplished ballet dancer experiences some great luck, some bad luck, is very proud of herself, yet regrets wasting time, regrets getting old, fears her future, and dreams of the past.
In these stories I’m sure you’ll find pieces of yourself, it’ll put you on the edge of your seat and when it’s over I want you to think about the life other people live, and contrast that with the life you live. See where you are and get a good look at it; tell me what you see (
Benjamin Button (YouTube)
The time Machine (YouTube)
Some might call it the devil of progress, a sin of Sloth, for others it’s a lifestyle. A quote that comes to mind every time I talk about it is as fallows:
“Procrastinators UNITE!!!! …Tomorrow.”
It’s something that gets the better of us all at some time or another, the side of us that wants to take a break, do something later, or maybe even relax after taking a break because we all know how tiresome it is to sit around and do nothing, or to sleep in; it’s very hard work laying in that bed for 12 hours a day, playing World of Warcraft for 6 of your waking hours, 1 hour going to the bathroom and maybe skip a shower. And spending the rest at school, or at work as a store clerk or watching TV or playing videogames.
“Show me a store clerk with goals of success and I’ll give you the president of a company, but show me a president of a company without any goals and I will give you a store clerk” ~ James Cash Penney
That may not be the exact quote but it’s mentioned by Zig Ziglar in one of the audio files I present with the others in which he talks about making goals and reaching them to become the most successful person you can be and what it takes to do it. Anything can be achieved, but you have to have the goals to get up off your butt and start moving
The fact of the matter is this: “The only limits that exist are ones you choose to accept” ~ Remrie Arrie. Don’t believe me? Give it a shot I dare you, if you give up without reaching your goal you didn’t try hard enough. People once thought it was impossible to fly, everyone told Henry Ford that the V8 motor could never be built, original race car drivers thought that it was impossible for any car to get over 60mph (100kph), now days you can’t drive 60 without being run over. Anything can be achieved, you have to be determined enough, creative enough, and detailed in your plan of action otherwise it won’t happen. People think it’s impossible to defy the laws of gravity, gravity isn’t absolute, you just need to fallow the rules. Two of the most simple ways to defy gravity is by jumping into a pool or going into outer space; the Japanese use Maglift trains to raise a train off the ground using high powered magnets.
I dare you to test my quote, the only limits that exist are ones you choose to accept.
If anything gets in your way, family, friends, work, kids, etc. it’s because you let them.
Distractions and Busyness
Although for the other group of people, those who can’t stand procrastination this one goes out to all the busy-bees buzzing around. The at home mom with kids, maybe single with a job too. The men who work hard getting driven up the ass by their boss, the students who have to get ready for school at 6am then get out at 3 and do school sports then get home and finish your music lessons before getting lectured about your grades and told to do your homework. This is for all the people out there with projects that have to get done now, the 1 that needs to be worked on when you have 3 working others, the people who need to decorate the lawn, pain the walls, and be busy because we love being busy working on busy things with busy people because we love being busy….
Well there is a difference in being busy doing business and busyness. We all have something in mind we want to do like learn that second language, start a business at home, clean out the junk around the house, write that story, do some deals, and succeed in life but right now we need to fix that lawn mower, beat the last level of our expensive videogame, or catch the season finally of our favorite shows.
But when 9+ our of 10 houses in USA have at least 1 TV and statistically the average person watches 40 to 50 hours of TV each week, they are often putting in just as much time in front of the couch as they spend at work! No wonder why so many people complain about not having enough time.
Regardless of what you think TV is a drug, those of you with kids probably have a better idea of this now that you see them watching TV or playing video games. If you don’t believe me try it; get rid of the TV, turn it off for a week, see what happens. No TV, no video games. In retrospect I was glad I didn’t have cable until age 11 because I remember more about my life than the movies I watched. I can say this because from 11 to 20 I watched more TV than anything else often times for 20 hours a day and I remember the video games and shows I watched more than anything else. I can tell you what happened in a cartoon I watched and possibly at what time during any of those years but I can’t tell you much in particular that I did outside, with my friends, or anything else for that matter.
I’m happy to say that I live without TV and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I have it for a few novelty reasons but I don’t have a single channel that comes in at all. Not to mention on Feb 17 2009 the U.S will get rid of all analog stations so even antennas will not work, not that I have one I don’t.
Zig Ziglar is great at talking about this subject I highly recommend you watch these.
Zig Ziglar Setting Goals part 1
Zig Ziglar Setting Goals part 2
Zig Ziglar Setting Goals part 3
Total Running Time = 15 Minutes or less.
Watch those videos from You Tube and you might find yourself not intentionally laughing at yourself; I know I did.
Also for the Busy-Bees out there is this great video on time management by a (Dale) Carnegie Mellon University who is awesome at his stuff.
Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management
But the truth is that when you choose to be distracted today you are choosing to not make any progress tomorrow. It’s only when you sit down, define your goal, write out steps to achieve you goal, and start working on those steps one by one that you will inevitably achieve that goal. Whether it’s learning a new language, promotion, or financial freedom.
Waiting for help
All to often we wait for help from others, but all too often we don’t help others.
I have fallen victim to this one many times. When you grow up, at least in some parts of the U.S all through your youth you are taught that people are suppose to help you with what you do, that somehow you are entitled to the assistance of others, that you can’t go it alone. But conversely we also feel we don’t need anyone, that we can do it ourselves, reject any help offered, or that somehow there is a better way to achieve or do something that requires integrity, kindness, time, commitment, patience, and team work.
The education system can be quite the oxymoron at times, tries to teach people to work together but when it comes to real challenges in life (tests) cooperating is often called ‘cheating’ in schools.
Often times we find ourselves a little confused on what to do in life, whether it’s with a immediate task, a future goal, a current issue that needs attention, or a past challenge that occurred in the past.
Such as
An immediate issue of injury or bad news, theft, assault, crash, etc. that requires attention
A future goal to become financially sustainable or start a business, education etc
A current issue being relationship problems, addictions, anxieties, overweight, pregnancy
A past challenge to overcome such as being victimized, abused, arrested, neglected, raped
We all have them, one or more in every category whether it’s a stubbed toe, passing grades, getting a home, new car, break up, children, and our personal history we all have something.
I have my own, these are them
Immediate: Infatuation
Future: Financial and mental sustainability and freedom and help others like you.
Current: Lack of money, changing genders, affording my hormones, my “friend”
Past: Gender confusions, loneliness, insecurities, crimes, not being born female.
And I have plenty more I can add to them.
What are yours?
Fill out this list and keep it to yourself or show it to people you can trust and try to figure out solutions to not only fix your immediate, current, past concerns, and future concerns.
Ideally we all need to work with each other to achieve our goals for win/win/win situations. Not win/lose, lose/win, or lose/lose. It is only when we have each other to count on and trust with integrity do we really succeed in our lives AND our wallets.
The problem is that we’re waiting for help, waiting for the night in shining armor, waiting for the boss to recognize us, waiting for our teachers to help us, waiting for our friends, family and others.
But in reality we can’t wait, waiting doesn’t bring you what you want. There is a quote out there that says ‘Things will come to those who wait’… or something along that line, As far as some religions are concerned what will come will be sin ‘Sloth’. Maybe I’m wrong but that quote might be more accurate if it said ‘Sin will come to those who wait”. Bad things tend to happen to those who sin, makes me wonder if waiting is such a good idea.
Does waiting sound like a good idea to you? Why?
My dad was taking a class or seminar several years ago he recently told me about, there would be a guest speaker who would come to lecture to a group of people (him included) about some extremely complicated subject that lasted for hours and hours and hours. When they took a break my dad listened to the crowed wondering if any of them knew what was going on and none of them seemed to have any idea of what the speaker was teaching.
When the break was over and everyone was coming back in my dad spoke to the guest speaker there and informed him that the entire message was lost and nobody understood any of the concepts for the first couple hours the speaker asked the audience to explain what he covered before hand. To this mans amazement who thought everyone always got his messages he never received much if any feedback until now and spent the rest of his entire program recapping the entire first points.
Had nobody made the attempt to do something few, if anyone would have learned anything, and the speaker never would have taught anything.
Have you ever been in a position like that?
Sometimes we need to raise our hands when we simply don’t get it, even if it drags down the entire glass. We need to ask our boss ‘What can I do that will you or the company?’, we need to stop waiting for help and start seeking it out and do things on our own.
Nobody should ever go solo, or wait for their savior. Not even Jesus Christ, start saving others now and you’ll find yourself saved sooner than you imagined.
I waited for someone to give me hormones to change genders, I waited for a dad or a psychologist to say ‘go to the doctor and get hormones’, I waited 4+ years for changes to come but they never did. It wasn’t until I stopped waiting for help and started helping myself that I finally was able to change genders.
If you want a change in your life make the change happen.
If you want a god to make your life better, stop waiting and start making other people’s lives better, it’s remarkably easy and doesn’t cost a thing and it’ll instantly make your life better. All I do is give my recyclables to the homeless people who dig in the dumpster at my apartment; it makes all the difference in that person’s life when once a month I give him a big back of ‘trash’ as well as mine when I see that person light up with joy.
Something as mediocre as that is plenty to cause a huge change in your life starting today. On a side note I visited Salt Lake City UT for the first time in my life and visited Temple Square for the Xmas lights and shows, although I am not a religious person per-se I found it both fascinating yet disturbing. What I was disturbed about was the magnitude of money the church has to spend on these huge buildings, convention centers, organs, decorations, and land and it was becoming rather evident of just how much money the church makes from its’ followers. Not just all in donations but definitely a major source of it’s funds especially on the local level at your community churches.
Well, long story short I never understood why any church would ever require so much money, especially so much political power to essentially force people to be pure and/or blessed when all a person has to do is see a need and fill a need.
I’m no saint, but when it comes to making change in my life and the lives of others giving my trash to a homeless guy rather than a big company like Waste Management makes all the difference, free of charge, requiring no work at all.
Another example is a guy at Kmart in Salt Lake City I saw who had the most girlish voice you’d ever hear, and he was extremely self conscious of it too and everything. Even for a female it was way out of the ordinary. As quickly as he scanned my items I said ‘you have a cute voice’ without even looking at him until he handed me my receipt and I was out of there. 20 seconds tops and I was gone but in a fraction of a second I made eye contact before I left what I saw was an indescribable amount of emotion that seemingly filled his entire being.
Don’t wait for others to help you, but don’t be a stranger; help others. As you make more and more progress inevitably it will come back to you. Karma may or may not exist, but chain reactions do, the better you feel, the better people around you feel. The better news that’s on TV the better people view the world. The more we help others who are broke down on the side of the road the more they will help do the same.
Waiting for the right time
Just like waiting for a saving grace to help us through life, we also wait for that lucky break that will yield great fortune, resources, prospects, etc. We find ourselves waiting for the winning lottery ticket, we wait for that promotion, for the kids to move out, to move away from home. We wait until we’re 16 to drive, 18 to be an adult, or 21+ to drink and do whatever. (I started driving at 6 years old… If you’re 6+ you better hop to it)
When we’re too busy in the winter because the kids are in school we wait for the summer, when we’re busy in the summer we wait for the kids to be back in school. When we’re busy all this year we put it off for next years resolution then when we’re too busy that year we complain we should have started it a year before or more.
In this case the quotes “There’s no time like the present” and “Today’s the day” and “Why put off for tomorrow what can be done today” are some of the most accurate.
The fact of the matter is if you want the yard mowed you have to do it today, if you want the house and dishes clean (like I do) you have to start now, if you want to change that light bulb you have to start now.
Same goes for larger goals, writing stories, getting good grades, working for that promotion, making extra money, losing weight, changing genders, finding love, moving out, and more.
Let the procrastinators unite tomorrow to get the job done while you work on it now. You’ll find your boss, teachers, parents, peers, community and everyone else looking up at you as someone reliable, someone who can get the job done, someone who deserves to be paid more, someone who deserves more than what they get. Your current peers might not recognize it, but sooner or later someone will see you and make a better offer for you.
Wasted time
Wasted time is time gone to never be obtained back, but it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There are some things that no trick in the book can make up for… But there’s nothing a well prepared plan of action starting today can’t help compensate for.
A great example is my path changing from male to female.
It’s one of those things that the more time you waste the harder it is to transition because the first 20 years of your life are your most important years of development in your life as all your bones calcify and puberty takes effect and your voice changes as well as your chest, breasts, butt, hips, face, hands, feet, and more.
Once your chance is gone it’s gone.
I still kick myself for not having the guts to start by my original goal of 18 when I could have started at 16 instead of my idle –hope– that it would somehow automatically happen instead of 20. And at age 18 those 2 years would make a world of difference, especially all 4 had I started back then.
Does that sound like something in your life?
Maybe you wanted to start that IRA account back in your 30’s rather than 40’s or that 401k plan before age 45. Or start that garden several years ago that would now be a huge blossoming paradise instead of what it is assuming it even exists. Maybe it’s something as simple as growing your hair down to your butt that would take years but it’s still at your shoulders.
When I learned real estate I learn about OPT
OPT = Other People’s Time
How it works is instead of working 10 hours to make $100, you pay someone to work for 10 hours to make you $1,000. You don’t do any work, therefore you save 10 hours of your day. If you could pay a person $10 per hour for 10 hours ($100) and be guaranteed $1,000 in return at the end of the day how many people would you hire?
That’s the idea of OPT. Now I can’t turn back time and regain my lost time in puberty, nor can I hire people to get that time back in any way shape or form. But what I can do is use their time to secure resources for my future to accelerate my progress from the future.
Chances are you don’t have anything that can never be brought back from the depths of time unless you’re an athlete who stayed out of the game for too long, or a person who was deprived of all education, or you were malnourished. Or you’re transgender like me, or if you’re REALLY unlucky you have cancer and have been told ‘you have 6 months of ‘good health left’ before your inevitable premature death such as Randy Pausch in the video on time management (hint hint) linked above.
But like for me in my situation or other situations, or even if you’re told you’re going to die there are still ways to compensate but you have to stop wasting time and start today. Who knows you might find yourself still alive and healthy down the road, only now with a lot of progress.
Don’t know how? Analyze your situation and think of creative solutions and ask others for help. Don’t know who to ask? Give me a ring, I’ll help my best.
But those who have too much work that needs to be done around the place you’ll need to get creative and stop being stingy. Sometimes you’ll have to part with $10 to have your yard mowed in order to save yourself enough time for you to do something else that will earn you $25.
The ultimate goal is to maximize compounding; pretty much nothing more than a snowball effect building kinetic energy as it rolls down hill. In business in real estate the goal is to have it all automatic so that you pay that person $100 for the day and every day you get $1,000.
If you stop wasting time now you’ll start making progress immediately, depending on what you are doing you can get a job done in half the time, or half the time without you ever being there. Instead of being there you can be with your family.
Not all the millionaires or billionaires of today started with a silver spoon in their mouths, some of them have been homeless, broke, jobless, young and in college. Or in my case a small town special education transgender college failure who graduated from an alternative school of 50 students in the entire school who has been arrested 4 times, sent to juvenile hall and exiled by much of the family. But no matter who we are we all have the same number of hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. What we do with that time is up to us, what they did with their time is what made them rich, what I do with my time will not only make me rich, but happy… happier more than rich.
What you do with your time is what becomes of you, not where you came from.
If anything you should use your previous and/or current situation as your reason to strive for success, but if you’ve read this far through this newsletter I’m sure you already know that. Or at the very least have the motivation to make such a change even if you don’t know where to go just yet.
Some might say: “The reason I’m not rich is because I have you kids”
You should say: “The reason I MUST be rich is because I have you kids”
Even if you don’t have kids you can just replace it with your own thing, whether it’s a medical condition, an F on your report card, a crappy apartment, bad parents, no money, etc.
Stop wasting time, make the changes happen.
Getting started
Talking about waiting for the right time and wasting time, I bet if your computer got a virus or your TV or video game system broke you’d immediately try to find the problem and fix it. Yet so many of us can’t, won’t, and refuse to fix our own check books and report cards, or the car, or remodeling the room, or clean the toilet. Either that or we say everything is fine and just sweep the dirt under the carpet.
If you ever want to get something started and get it done you have to fallow the S.M.A.R.T formula
Agreeable in writing
In order to achieve anything you want to do no matter what it is you have to write down exactly what your goal is, the exact steps to achieve it, agree to it and if possible have another person review it and hold you to it, it must be realistic, and it must have a time limit. Not ‘Sometime next month’ it has to be defined as “5/31st/2009” or “5:30pm tomorrow”. Again review the Zig Ziglar You Tube video links I presented to hear more on this topic.
When it comes to making ‘realistic’ goals that term has to be taken with a grain of salt, because conversely one of the main reasons people fail is because they are never motivated enough to even start let alone finish. If you had two goals written out, one to cross a street with no traffic on it or get a million dollars which one would you want more? Which one is more realistic? Yet few people would ever cross the street because they would feel that the benefit of crossing that street would not yield sufficient reward or gratification. But getting $1,000,000 is something specific, measurable, agreeable since everyone wants $1,000,000, (and at this inflation rate) realistic. Just say what date you will have one million dollars by and hold yourself to that goal and I can promise that it will be yours.
If you fail to achieve a goal then there is a fault in your plan of action that you need to learn from and correct then try again. Don’t fear failure, learn from it and you will grow. Some people say ‘Never tried, never fail, never disappointed’ but there is no disappointment in failing, there is disappointment in being a loser but not failing whether it’s goals, sports, or anything. In order to succeed you must adapt, expand, and grow if you encounter a challenge.
Helping others start
Now last but not least the most important part of obtaining any form of success is helping others. Like I mentioned before about being a butt kisser is the best way to get your butt kicked. If you are to achieve anything in life any good deed you do has to be done with your own pride in yourself, your selflessness, and respect.
You can’t donate $100 to church and expect god to give you $1,000, but you can pay someone $100 to do something that earns you $1,100 but also you must treat that person with respect otherwise you mind find yourself paying them $100 and come to discover they stole $1,000 more from you and fled.
But also you must know anything you get in return may or may not be equal to what you gave, but it has the potential to return more benefits than it cost. An example of this is at my apartment I was taking out the trash and noticed a guy having a hard time starting his car, to help him out I offered to ‘jump’ his car using my truck (no I’m not Evil Knievel). I quickly ran to my apartment to grab my car keys, pulled my truck to his at the other side of the small parking lot and jumped his car and got him on his way in a hurry.
(For non car people, ‘jumping’ is a term used when using jumper cables to connect your battery to power theirs enough to get their car started)
- By doing that I saved him time out of his day
- A tow truck ride,
- An all around bad day.
- I met a cool person who will recognize me even if I don’t recognize him.
- My day immediately became 100x better because there is something about making a huge difference in someone’s day when I only take 10 minutes of my time.
- I can bet you if I’m stuck in his position and he sees me while I’m taking out the trash I guarantee you he’ll try to return the favor.
- And he’ll be more likely to help others who he sees having trouble because I helped him. Contrary to popular believe we all want to help each other in some way or another and when someone does something that makes all the difference in the world that’s so easy, we’re likely to do it to others.
In your venture to achieve success I hope you will take the time and consideration to do what it takes to help others in similar positions like you to succeed. Whether it’s direct or indirect the actions you choose will greatly affect what happens to your future. ‘Success’ is not just wealth, it’s happiness that comes with a fulfilling life, knowing that you accomplished something great that you are appreciated for, something that earns you deserved praise by those who look up to you.
That’s a reason that re-enforces why I am helping people, and why I’m trying to help you. I have my own reasons for helping people at any given moment, usually it’s to make myself feel good. I get a great sense of self gratification knowing I helped someone; I like being of some worth to people. That’s how it is for guy who’s truck I helped to start, I felt good because I’ve been there and my day was immediately 100x better; a secondary reward is that I become more productive when I feel good. For the poor guy I give my recyclables to I do it just to make him and myself feel good taking pride in making a difference. I certainly don’t want a sack of trash in return and the guy doesn’t even speak English, but when you’re homeless even for only 3 days living in a abandoned motel like I was 1,000 miles away from home you gain a certain appreciation for other people’s hardships.
My point though is commit with all your pride and integrity you have to take a stand to support something you believe in, not expecting something in return, but because you support it with all your heart.
It’s real easy to make a difference in other people’s lives. The first thing you need to do is turn off the news, it does nothing but make humans look bad (in fact throw the TV away), next look at each and every individual person you see with optimism and kindness, never think someone is out to get you, it’s one thing to be prepared, another to be paranoid. Don’t be afraid to make eye contact it takes some work but there is no law saying you can’t look at someone, smile at them, give them a compliment, and do something you see that would make them happy.
And last but not least, never have false expectations of them because you feel entitled in any way shape or form whether you are the customer or the employee or two strangers. Express humility and respect but have the confidence to say ‘I like your glasses’.
When I worked in retail as a dog groomer I had many people expect too much of me because they felt ‘entitled’ to anything they wanted, I have no problem going above and beyond for others but those people who expected too much often found themselves with less than they would have gotten otherwise. But I’ve helped individuals on extraordinary levels of service to give them the help they deserved because they not only expressed humility, but also respect for me as a person working 9 to 5 making minimum wage washing dogs. When I go to other stores the employees that often treat me the best are the ones I treat like real people like me, poor young people just trying to make ends meet.
So keep that in mind when things aren’t going your way, drop the entitlement mentality that you deserve something and make sure you put in your fair share of good service not because they deserve it, or because you want benefits in return, but simply because it’s the right thing to do. We don’t all need help all the time, but if we all help each other then we can all be confident that help will always be available when we do need it.
Because isn’t life so much easier when faced with a problem all you have to do is find the nearest person and ask ‘Excuse me _______, would you mind helping me jump my car?’
Quotes (quotes without names originate from this newsletter)
"I have never seen a tomorrow, all I have are todays" ~ Rich Dad
“If you don’t help people with honesty and integrity you can never succeed”
“Procrastinators UNITE!!!! …Tomorrow.” ~ Anonymous
“Show me a store clerk with goals of success and I’ll give you the president of a company, but show me a president of a company without any goals and I will give you a store clerk” ~ James Cash Penney
“All to often we wait for help from others, but all too often we don’t help others.”
“Ideally we all need to work with each other to achieve our goals for win/win/win situations.”
“It is only when we have each other to count on and trust with integrity do we really succeed in our lives AND our wallets.”
“In reality we can’t wait, waiting doesn’t bring you what you want.”
“Maybe I’m wrong but that quote ‘things will come to those who wait’ might be more accurate if it said ‘Sin will come to those who wait”
(As sloth = sin, and waiting/doing nothing would be to sin)
“Bad things tend to happen to those who sin, makes me wonder if waiting is such a good idea.”
“Nobody should ever go solo, or wait for their savior. Not even Jesus Christ, start saving others now and you’ll find yourself saved sooner than you imagined.”
“If you want a change in your life make the change happen.”
“If you want a god to make your life better, stop waiting and start making other people’s lives better, it’s remarkably easy and doesn’t cost a thing and it’ll instantly make your life better.”
“see a need and fill a need” Mr. Bigweld (From the movie Robots)
“In this case the quotes ‘There’s no time like the present’ and ‘Today’s the day’ and “Why put off for tomorrow what can be done today” are some of the most accurate.”
“If you want the yard mowed you have to do it today, if you want the house and dishes clean (like I do) you have to start now, if you want to change that light bulb you have to start now.”
“Let the procrastinators unite tomorrow to get the job done while you work on it now.”
“Wasted time is time gone to never be obtained back, but it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Use OPT = Other People’s Time to accelerate your growth into the future” ~ Remrie Arrie
(How this works, say you’re running from A to B in X amount of time but you got a slow start. What you do is start running now, and along the way get people to carry you whenever you’re tired so that way even when you’re resting you’re still making progress that would have been lost otherwise without their help. It’s this same exact reason we all use cars now. Why spend 8 hours walking 30 miles when you can drive there in 30 minutes? Or have someone drive you while you’re typing your presentation on the computer.)
“Analyze your situation and think of creative solutions and ask others for help. Don’t know who to ask? Give me a ring, I’ll help my best.”
“Those who have too much work that needs to be done around the place you’ll need to get creative and stop being stingy. “
“If you stop wasting time now you’ll start making progress immediately”
“What you do with your time is what becomes of you, not where you came from.”
“You should use your previous and/or current situation as your reason to strive for success”
“My point though is commit with all your pride and integrity you have to take a stand to support something you believe in, not expecting something in return, but because you support it with all your heart.”
Some might say: “The reason I’m not rich is because I have you kids”
You should say: “The reason I MUST be rich is because I have you kids”
Even if you don’t have kids you can just replace it with your own thing, whether it’s a medical condition, an F on your report card, a crappy apartment, bad parents, no money, etc.
Stop wasting time, make the changes happen. you should use your previous and/or current situation as your reason to strive for success
“If you ever want to get something started and get it done you have to fallow the S.M.A.R.T formula
Agreeable in writing
In order to achieve anything you want to do no matter what it is you have to write down exactly what your goal is, the exact steps to achieve it, agree to it and if possible have another person review it and hold you to it, it must be realistic, and it must have a time limit.
Don’t fear failure, learn from it and you will grow.”
“You must know anything you get in return may or may not be equal to what you gave, but it has the potential to return more benefits than it cost.”
“It’s real easy to make a difference in other people’s lives. The first thing you need to do is turn off the news”
“Don’t be afraid to make eye contact it takes some work but there is no law saying you can’t look at someone, smile at them, give them a compliment, and do something you see that would make them happy.”
“Never have false expectations of them because you feel entitled in any way shape or form whether you are the customer or the employee or two strangers. Express humility and respect but have the confidence to say ‘I like your glasses’.”
We don’t all need help all the time, but if we all help each other then we can all be confident that help will always be available when we do need it.
The Law of the Farm
“In agriculture we can easily see and agree that natural laws and natural principals govern the work and determine the harvest. But in social, family and corporate cultures we somehow think we can dismiss the natural processes, cheat the system and still win the day. And there is a great deal of evidence that seems to support that belief. For example did you ever cram in school? Goof off all semester only to spend the last couple of nights cramming a semester’s worth of schooling? I’m ashamed to admit it, I did. In fact I crammed most my way through school thinking how brilliant I was and as a result I ended up in the hospital from working too hard. I tried to cheat the natural processes and discovered in the long run it’s just not possible; perhaps many of you have learned the same lesson the hard way.
Now can you imagine cramming on the farm? Can you imagine forgetting to plant in the spring, flaking out all summer, hitting it hard in the fall? Ripping the soil up, throwing in the seeds, watering, cultivating, expecting to get a bountiful harvest overnight. It’s laughable, it’s ludicrous, cramming just doesn’t work in the natural system, but in a social system, cramming may appear to work that is in the short term, you can go over the quick fixes with apparent success, but in the long run the law of the farm governs in all arenas of life.”
~ Steven Covey (author)